TOP 5 ways to save money
Reducing costs and expenses (while effectively allocating financial surpluses) is precisely saving. Here are 5 ways to do it effectively!
1. Set a standing order
Start saving by setting up a standing order, which is a monthly, cyclical transfer to your savings account. Any amount, let's say 100 zlotys, should land on it each day of payment. This way you don't have to remember about saving, because it's done automatically. If you are able to pay bills every month, you are also able to put money aside. Treat saving a specific amount as an obligation, and after a year a specific sum is collected.
2. Remember the shopping list
Thanks to it you will always leave the shop with what you came for. You will no longer be threatened with an unplanned surplus of food that can only be thrown away after a while, and your purchases will become more rational.
3. turn off the tap during the daily restroom
The biggest amount of water is wasted by our own bad habits, connected with doing the daily toilet. Interestingly, the practice of leaving the tap unscrewed while brushing teeth can result in a loss of up to 9 litres of water per minute. A tap dripping all day long contributes to a loss of as much as 13 litres. Turn off the tap while brushing and shaving, and control the water in the shower by screwing on the tap while soaping.
4. don't waste
If something breaks down, repair it, don't throw it away. Sell clothes and equipment you no longer need. This also applies to food - freeze any excess food. Try to buy second-hand items. It's not just about games or books: the annual car or car used as a test model is practically new, and even 30% cheaper than the model in the showroom.
5. monitor power consumption
Bet on energy-saving light bulbs, disconnect electronic equipment when not in use, use daylight, opt for a traditional kettle, think about outdoor lighting equipped with a sensor. Take care of the environment and your pocket!